Learning To Feel

Learning To Feel - N.R. Walker It never ceases to amaze me that talented and generous authors write such great stories for free.I have bought and read many, many, many books and some of them cost quite a bit and weren't anywhere close to being as entertaining and sweet as this one.The blurb sums it up really well, these two guys come together at the perfect time in their life to change enough to be perfect for each other. Add in a great dog, a fun family and some art and I'm happy.Yes, there were some typos and stuff, so what ? [a:N.R. Walker|5819370|N.R. Walker|http://d202m5krfqbpi5.cloudfront.net/authors/1335318776p2/5819370.jpg] wrote one of my ( yes, yes, many favorite ménage stories) [b:Three's Company|15928972|Three's Company|N.R. Walker|http://d202m5krfqbpi5.cloudfront.net/books/1346392388s/15928972.jpg|21679724] and all other books of hers that I've read, I've enjoyed, so I think she's just been added to my auto buy list.