Blood Prince - Stormy Glenn I gave up at a little over 50%.I *might* try and finish it later, but probably not.It's not that I expect a lot out of these books, I know they all follow the same kind of formula, and I actually like those kind of books on occasion.But...this one just was too much for me! Ok Zac is like a 500+ year old Vampire prince..he has been ruler for a long time and I'm assuming had to be a tough and powerful leader, now here comes this were-shifter Dev and Zac knows he is his mate but doesn't tell him, he sort of woo's him and gets him all horney and Dev claims him! Ok, before this happened Zac told Dev that a) mated vamps can ONLY drink from their mates and that b) their life forces would intertwine so when the vamp dies so does the mate! What does the shifter do after mating? you know..the mating ALL shifters wait their entire lives for, are always hoping and wishing for, the person ( or whatever) fate has decreed just for them? He's pissed because Zac didn't tell him he knew they were mates before Dev claimed him? Well, if he's his mate, it doesn't matter if he knew or not, it is and nobody really has a choice and it just shows how stupid Dev is if he can't sniff it out himself! So he is throwing a pity party tantrum that he was 'lied' to even by omission! You know if you don't know he is your mate, it's your own stupid ass fault! Ok, so Dev leaves and is nasty you guessed it Zac is dying cause he can't feed, and what about life thread thing?( cause then Dev would die too) Not mentioned again as Zac decides he would rather die than feed off his unwilling mate, and then bad vamps come to get him and Zac needs shifters to protect him? he has been the prince for 500 years and he is portrait as needy, helpless and whiny! I mean he is practically begging and airing all his dirty laundry in front of the bad vamps and the shifter alpha! What kind of leader/prince is this??And on a side note, even a vamp ruler needs and would have some bodyguards of his own, because he is THE PRINCE!! But nope, all poor Zac has is his creepy butler Alfred! Then the spanking starts, because the stupid shifter thinks Zac 'needs' it! ACK! That was it for me, I'm done and I hope I will remember not to try these again, but knowing me...I'll think ..just one more..I'm sure this one will be better!