Gaps In Your Soul - Shayla Kersten Jared is a groomsmen at his best friend's wedding, he is newly home from Afghanistan and is recovering from his physical injuries but also the emotional tole the war took on him.His best friend's younger brother Dalton is the one he walked away from 10 years ago after a spectacular BJ he hasn't forgotten.Dalton plans a little revenge and to get Jared out of his system once and for all.I had a few issues, maybe I'm just not that way, but I think 10 years of not seeing someone is enough time to get over a one -off with your crush. Jared made no secret of his plans for a career in the military and it was e 19 year old Dalton that came on to him, I didn't see the need to treat him so poorly and plan to use him and leave him.Of course Dalton loves Jared and Jared loves Dalton, but Jared is in the closet and if he wants to keep his career and his benefits he needs to stay there. My issue was really Dalton not taking any of that into consideration, I'm not saying Jared was right or wrong, but he does have serious things to consider and I thought for an adult Dalton was pretty childish, he wants Jared, he wants him now and he wants him how and where he wants him, I felt Jared deserved a little patience and consideration and time.Jared was also running hot and cold with Dalton, but I would have liked to see a little bit more after the wedding, the 180 and then the end? I wanted to know what he is going to do and some of the thought he put into his decision and his future.